Academic programs for foreign students by faculty

The Academic Office of Institutional Affairs from PUCP offers to the foreign students the academic programs of every Faculty with the purpose of which they could select and plan their registration when they reach PUCP. The students will be able to find information about the contents of every course, processes of evaluation and available teachers.

  1. Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
  2. Faculty of Art and Design: Artistic Education | Sculpture | Industrial Design | Graphic Design | Painting | Engraving | Art, Fashion and Textile Design
  3. Faculty of Performing Arts: Dance | Performance Creation and Production | MusicTheater
  4. Faculty of Accounting
  5. Faculty of Social Sciences: Economics | Anthropology | Sociology | Political Science and Government | International RelationsFinance
  6. Faculty of Law
  7. Faculty of Psychology 
  8. Faculty of Management
  9. Faculty of Communication Sciences and Arts: Advertising | Audiovisual CommunicationJournalismCommunication for Development
  10. Faculty of Education: Early Childhood Education | Primary EducationSecondary Education 
  11. Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences: Archeology | Informational SciencesPhilosophyGeography and EnvironmentLinguistics and LiteratureHistoryHumanities 
  12. Faculty of Sciences and Arts of Hospitality: Due to the recent creation of this faculty, the offer of courses is limited. We recommend writing to to inquire about the available courses for international students.
  13. Faculty of Science and Engineering: StatisticsPhysics | Environmental and Sustainable Engineering | Biomedical Engineering PUCP UPCH | Civil Engineering | Telecommunications Engineering | Mining Engineering | Electronic Engineering Geological Engineering | Mechatronics EngineeringIndustrial Engineering Informatics Engineering | Mechanical EngineeringMathematics
  14. General Studies in Humanities
  15. General Studies in Sciences